When joining home composting, you are given a 360-litre home composter measuring 72.5cm X 72.5cm X 100cm, which you must place in an outdoor area, on earth, and preferably in the shade. You must then segregate your bio-waste, place it in the composter, monitor the composting process, and use the compost thus produced in your flowerpots, seedbeds, vegetable gardens or flower gardens. The entire process takes place in your home and under your care.
When joining the community composting programme, you are given a small 10-litre container (size: 29cm high by 20cm wide), and a key to access the community composter.
Then you just have to segregate your bio-waste at home, using the container provided by the project, and place it in the community composter. The compost thus produced is delivered free of charge to anyone who requests it, and shall also be used to fertilize public gardens.
The management of the community composter and the composting process is ensured by a technical team.